Looking just at my main character i got most of the Costume ideas from Eli in the "The Book of Eli", like i mentioned in the previous post. Starting from the top of my characters costume:
I chose to have my main character wear a beanie, goggles and bandana neck-warmer because that would add some mystery to the character. The idea of covering the head i took from "The Road" in the movie one of the character is wearing a beanie and the other a hood, I was considering having him having a hood on but decided not to as it didn't look as practical. When deciding to have my character cover his eyes I tried both sun glasses and goggles. The idea came from "The Book of Eli" where most characters where sunglasses bud in the end i went for the goggles as it looked more intimidating.
The idea of using a bandana i got from one of the "The Walking Dead" characters Jesus as the first time you see him it adds narrative enigma.
Looking at the jacket, gloves, trousers, and shoes. Having a big coat was also from "The Book of Eli" but to make it more authentic I added duck tape patterns to make it more believable that its been in the zombie apocalypse. The gloves are just very common in apocalyptic movie so I added it but instead of having finger less or leather gloves like what is usually used the gloves look more military like making the character see more in control of the situation. The trousers are military trousers and seen in almost every apocalypse movie because they are practical. The shoes link in with the trousers as they are very common and seen as practical.
I use multiple props like weapons, batteries, backpack. Starting with the weapons, the main character has two main weapons that he uses and than one for show. The idea of using a bow I got from "The Walking Dead" all though the character in "The Walking Dead" used a crossbow. I used a bow because it is very practical in a zombie apocalypse as it is silent and you can retrieve the arrows, using a bow is also a skill which tells the audience that the character is talented. I also looked at it from a producers point of view seeing as bows are very popular in media now, from "The Hunger Games" to hawk-eye in "The Avengers" and even in TV shows like "Arrow". The character also uses a knife which is very often seen in "The Walking Dead" when dealing with zombies up close.
The idea of having a backpack was also one i got from "The book of Eli" that including having a gun strapped to the backpack but instead of having a shotgun its a sniper, the reason I used a sniper was because it looks more intimidating and also needs skill to handle. The batteries used as currency was taken from the video games series "Fallout" where bottle caps are used as currency and "Metro Last Light" where ammo is used as currency, but i felt using batteries would be more reasonable as it tells the audience electricity is valuable.
When it comes to the Zombie i had the zombie costume look like a business man because it seemed unorthodox having a suited zombie in the middle of no where far away from the city. This tells the audience that the apocalypse has been awhile as a zombie with a missing arm and a limp got so far in the middle of no where. The idea of a ripped suit i got from "28 days Later".